Thornton Donovan

Student Handbook

Thornton-Donovan School, founded in 1901, is an independent, international, non-sectarian day and resident school recognized by the New York State Board of Regents and accredited by the Cognia Accreditation Commission. Situated on a five-acre campus with four buildings, the school offers Lower, Middle, and Upper school curricula in a small group setting. Each year, an academic theme focuses on a different country or culture. The year culminates with a travel study to sites that best reflect the theme.

Thornton-Donovan School is dedicated to educating our students, oriented to college preparation, using a holistic approach that fosters the integration of each student as an individual within a global community. Academic excellence is sought within an environment that encourages honesty, self-discipline, self-respect, and respect for others. The entire school program challenges our students to develop their intellectual potential.

Board of Trustees

The Thornton-Donovan School Board of Trustees comprises nine men and women who voluntarily serve the School. Their chief responsibilities are overseeing the School’s financial affairs and setting policy.

The Board meets once a month and holds elections at commencement each year. All current families of Thornton-Donovan can vote. Additionally, any five members of the current school family collaborating are entitled to make additional nominations by filing such nominations in writing with the Board’s secretary no less than five days before the final meeting.

General Information

All parents must register with to be notified of emergency conditions that may affect the school. The school also utilizes Constant Contact for most of our day-to-day communications. Therefore, the office must have a current email address on file.

Thornton-Donovan expects parents to check T-D’s website,, to keep themselves informed of school news and updated monthly calendars. Copies of the most recent letters from the Headmaster can also be found there.


Homeroom: 9:00-9:12

Period 1: 9:15-9:55

Period 2: 9:58-10:38

Period 3: 10:41-11:21

Period 4: 11:24-12:04

Period 5: 12:07-12:47 (grades K-5 lunch period)

Period 6: 12:47-1:30 (grades 6-12 lunch period)

Period 7: 1:33-2:13

Period 8: 2:16-3:00

School Dismissal 3:00


Daily attendance and punctuality are critical factors for academic success. All students are expected to be in attendance whenever school is in session. Parents and guardians should make every effort to cooperate in this endeavor. Students absent from school must complete all assignments posted on Google Classroom.

If a student must be absent from school, the parent must notify the office. Exceptions may be made in highly unusual circumstances or cases of extended illness. Students arriving after Homeroom must report to the primary office before class. Repeated lateness will result in detention. Cutting any class will result in disciplinary action.

* All absences (total or ½ day) excused or unexcused will be recorded on the student’s records, which may be used for college transcripts.


All students must be dropped off at the main building, 100 Overlook Circle, and should immediately enter the building. Students in grades 6-8 who arrive before 8:30 a.m. must remain in the library until 8:30, when they may leave for their Homeroom.

Lower-School students arriving between 8:00-8:30 are to report to the library, where they will be picked up by Mrs. Miller, who will supervise them until they are picked up at 8:30 by their teachers. Parents are asked not to go upstairs after 8:30 a.m.

Parents should use the main driveway when dropping off or picking up students. Do not leave your car unattended in the main driveway or staff parking while bringing a student into the building. The driveway must remain clear for school buses to drop off and pick up students. Parking or standing in the main driveway is strictly prohibited.


Students may go to their lockers after 3:00 dismissal. All students must leave the school grounds promptly unless engaged in a sanctioned after-school activity.

Students in grades K-5 should have a parent or guardian at the main door. If another parent or a noncustodial parent is picking up the child, the office must be notified before dismissal.

Students in grades 6-12 waiting for transportation must remain in the front of the main building at 100 Overlook Circle. They should not visit other buildings, the field, or the court.


Upon entering Thornton Donovan, all students are issued a Google Classroom email address. Students and faculty must use these emails for all academic correspondence. All faculty and staff emails are the person’s first initial and last name

Cell Phone Use

Cell phones, earbuds /headphones, and smartwatches are prohibited during any academic classes unless the individual teacher approves. Students in grades 6-12 can use cell phones during lunch but are asked to make calls outside the school buildings. If a student is observed using a cell phone without permission during an academic class, the teacher confiscates the phone. Students are not permitted to use any video or audio recording devices of any kind, including but not limited to cell phones, smart watches, tablets, laptops, and cameras, while on school property unless authorized by faculty or a staff member.

Computer and Internet Usage

Technology use outside of regular academic hours on and off school grounds (including but not limited to cell phones, social media, e-mail, text messages, etc.) is subject to the same guidelines cited below.

Technology Guidelines and Standards of Behavior

● Students can use personal laptops/tablets and fully use the computers in both Tech Centers.

● Individual teachers reserve the right to decide how/if personal laptops/tablets may be used during their classes.

● Thornton-Donovan is not responsible for maintaining, replacing, and repairing any student’s personal laptop/tablet.

● Students are not permitted to use vulgar, harassing, obscene, threatening, bullying, abusive, or sexually offensive language or make any statements that are defamatory or disparaging of students or adults.

● Students are prohibited from recording and/or posting any class, event, or occurrence during the academic day at Thornton-Donovan on any social media pages unless otherwise permitted by School Administration.


Internet research is a valuable tool; however, students must attribute any such material used in submitted papers. Plagiarism of any material, whether from print or electronic resources, is prohibited and will result in a failing grade or dismissal.

  • Medical forms furnished by New Rochelle must be returned to T-D no later than September 30th. This complies with the New York State Department of Health’s regulations prohibiting student attendance without a completed form on file.

    Parents must write to the office if their child is on prescribed medication. Teachers and Staff are not permitted to dispense medication, including aspirin.

  • If students become unwell during the school day, they are to report to the school nurse or the office, where arrangements will be made for them to be picked up. No student should leave the grounds for any reason without notifying the main office.

  • The Berns Memorial Library and Resource Room are used for study, research, and reading. Students in grades 6-10 must report to the library when they have an assigned Study Hall. Grades 11 and 12 may sit outside without special permission.

  • Thornton-Donovan maintains a Link Program with Iona University, which enables talented seniors to take courses for credit with fully enrolled college students. At the recommendation of the Headmaster and with the approval from Iona, T-D students can take one or two classes at substantially reduced tuition rates. An overall average of 90% is a T-D prerequisite.

  • T-D offers a low-cost tuition payment plan, TPP, which enables parents to pay their tuition through 10 scheduled monthly payments. If the tuition is not paid in full by October 30 of the current school year, the family is automatically enrolled in the program and charged the one-time $150 fee. The first payment is due on August 15th, and the last is on May 15th. If a student enrolls mid-year, the payment schedule is adjusted accordingly. T-D anticipates that all tuition payments will be made on time. Should a student withdraw before the end of the school year, the parent or guardian is responsible for the remaining tuition and any charges incurred in collection. If a student is expelled from T-D, a refund is at the discretion of The Board of Trustees. 

    Thornton-Donovan is financed by tuition. We have no endowment. It is the responsibility of all parents to make sure tuition payments are up to date. No student may return to Thornton Donovan in September if the previous year’s tuition is unpaid.

    A failure to meet financial obligations to the school may result in the following:

    ● No field trips both nationally and internationally

    ● Report cards withheld

    ● School records withheld

    ● No admittance to midterm/final exams

    ● No graduation participation

    ● Transcripts withheld

  • The Parent Teacher Partnership meets most of the month at the school for educational, cultural, and social programs. All parents are members of the PTP and are strongly encouraged to participate and attend PTP meetings. The PTP also helps raise funds for the school by sponsoring events such as the International Night Dinner. The PTP also underwrites many student activities during the school year.

  • The dress code is in effect every day of the school year, regardless of weather, and applies to all grades K-12. Boys must wear shirts with a collar. Any student may not wear casual, imprinted, or oversized tee shirts. No hats, caps, halters, hoodies, or flip-flops are to be worn to school. Shorts of any length, short skirts, or inappropriate dress, such as ripped jeans, sweatpants, and warm-up suits, are prohibited.

    All midriffs must be covered. Tattoos not covered by clothing must be hidden in some other.

  • All food must be eaten in the lunchroom (MPR) or designated areas. Students are not permitted to eat in any building at any other time except for mid-morning snacks in the Lower School. Students in all grade levels are not allowed to order food. Juniors and seniors who leave the campus should eat off-premises and not return with food for themselves or others. All refuse must be disposed of in the provided receptacles.

    After eating lunch, middle and upper school students may go to the library or remain on school grounds BEHIND the main building. During lunch, students should only be in the library or the MPR. Lower School students will participate in supervised outdoor or indoor play depending on the weather.

  • Every Thornton-Donovan student has the right to attend school in an atmosphere that is safe, respectful, and conducive to academic learning. Any actions or words that obstruct or harm our positive learning environment will result in a disciplinary response, which may include expulsion. Mutual respect is expected of all students and parents, especially in their relationships with the faculty, staff, and peers. Students should not conduct themselves in a way that demeans the dignity of others or the school.

    Students are expected to respect school property and the grounds. Absolutely no eating in classrooms. Gum chewing is not permitted in school. The student is responsible for leaving desks, classrooms, and Freedom Hall neat and orderly. Willful destruction of the school’s or individual’s personal property will result in disciplinary action. Parents will be held accountable for repair or replacement expenses.

    Smoking, vaping, or alcoholic beverages are prohibited on or near school property at all times. It is the policy of the school to report any incidents related to alcohol and drugs to the parents/guardians of the students involved. Further, a report is filed with the New Rochelle Police Department. Students involved in the use or possession of these substances are subject to severe disciplinary action, as well as possible legal action.

  • A full range of subjects on all grade levels is offered for students who need remedial or enrichment classes. Courses for credit can also be arranged. All instruction is tutorial, and there is no class exceeding five students. The duration of each course is 30 hours, given in a 20-day session. If a student takes a summer school class at another school, he or she may be required to pass Thornton Donovan’s final to receive credit.

  • Beginning in early October, SAT verbal and math instruction is offered on consecutive Tuesday nights at 7:30 p.m. The course is open to all T-D sophomores, juniors, and seniors for an additional fee. Course dates and enrollment forms will be mailed in September. Parents may register by mail or call the main office.

  • Junior and seniors may leave the school grounds during free periods and lunch. They must return to their subsequent class before the bell rings. Failure to do so will result in the loss of this privilege for one month.

  • One evening is set aside during the school year for parent-teacher conferences. Additional conferences may be scheduled as well, initiated by either the teacher or parent. For grades K-8, they can be scheduled by emailing the Lower & Middle School Director, Mrs. Keating-Miller, at For grades 9-12, conferences can be scheduled by contacting the main office by calling 914 632-8836.

  • During the school day, at lunch, students in grades 6 to 12 are invited to a conference with the faculty and the Headmaster to discuss current academic progress or problems and recommendations for continued improvement. Parents receive a short, written transcript of each teacher’s remarks.

  • Extra-Help Teachers are available for extra help by arrangement during the school day. Additional tutoring for students at all grade levels, at the parent’s expense, may be arranged through the Director of the Lower & Middle Schools (, who will document and coordinate the tutoring schedule.

  • Homework is a part of the curriculum and a natural extension of class work. Middle and Upper School students should expect at least 2 hours of homework each evening. The Lower School receives homework assignments each day. All homework assignments are expected to be completed on time and are factored into each student’s grade. Assignments for all subjects can be found on the Google Classroom page.

  • Each year, Thornton-Donovan calls upon a few students with strong social strengths to represent Thornton-Donovan abroad. During the school year, all students are invited to consider visiting T-D’s sister schools in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. These international stays can be as short as a week or as long as a month. To participate in an exchange, students should speak with the Headmaster. Most academic work abroad is documented on the student’s transcript.

  • A student may not attend any national or international trip if:

    ● Their tuition is past due

    ● On probationary status for behavior difficulties

    ● Failing academically

  • Exams are administered quarterly to students in the Middle and Upper Schools. Dates are on the school calendar at All students are expected to attend and complete exams as scheduled. Any student caught cheating on any quiz, test, or exam will receive an automatic “F” and be referred to the Headmaster for further disciplinary action. Students requiring extra time for tests must submit the appropriate paperwork before the exam.

  • Reports Report cards are issued four times a year, one for each marking period of the school year. Each quarter average represents tests, quizzes, class participation, homework and/or projects. Quarterly report cards for students in all grade levels are mailed home. If necessary, progress reports are mailed home during the quarter.

  • Students attain the Honor Role by meeting the following requirements: Headmaster’s List: An average of 90 and above in all major subjects with no major subject grade less than 85.

    First Honors: An average of 85 and above in all major subjects with no major subject grade less than 80.

  • The main office assigns lockers to Middle and Upper School students. Students must provide a combination lock and give the combination to the main office.

  • All students must come to school each day with pens, pencils, paper, and other materials needed for each class, along with the appropriate textbooks. It is not necessary to carry all books all day. Afternoon texts may be left in the student’s lockers and exchanged for morning texts at lunchtime. Students are not permitted to leave their belongings, book bags, or other items on desks or in a classroom. All misplaced or lost textbooks must be replaced at cost if not found within a few days to prevent lost academic progress. Textbooks must be returned in good condition at the end of the school year to sit for the final exam. Parents will be billed for damaged or lost books.

  • All visitors, including parents and relatives, must present themselves to the main office upon arrival.

    Student guests are welcome to visit, but prior arrangements and approval must be made through the main office. No student visitors will be allowed during any of T-D’s four scheduled exam periods.

  • Students' images will occasionally be used for promotion or advertising unless a written letter is given to the main office stating that the student’s image cannot be used.

This handbook is designed to help students and parents become familiar with T-D’s rules and procedures. All students and parents expect mutual respect, especially in their relationships with the faculty, staff, and peers. It is understood that all parents and students have read and agree with the posted handbook. Understanding and accepting these guidelines will enhance the school's friendly atmosphere and contribute to a successful school year.