Thornton Donovan

Parents Association


The Thornton Donovan’s (“TD”) Parents Association (the “PA”) is a dedicated parent-led organization that represents the interests of parents and guardians of students enrolled at TD. The PA is effectively headed by an Executive Committee, which plays a vital role in overseeing and supporting the important work carried out by coordinators, grade representatives, committee chairs, and a host of other enthusiastic volunteers. Together, they work to foster a strong sense of community and collaboration among families, enriching the overall experience for students.


The overall mission of the Parents' Association (PA) is to help foster a strong sense of community among our parents and guardians while actively working in partnership with the School to benefit the entire community as a whole. Specifically, the PA strives to accomplish several key objectives:

  • to build a warm and welcoming environment that encourages connection among parents and guardians;

  • to facilitate effective communication between parents, guardians, and the School administration; and

  • to support and raise essential funds for crucial School programming, scholarships, enrichment activities, and various PA-sponsored events that enhance our educational community.

2024-2025 Events

  • Welcome and Curriculum Night (October)

  • “Trunk-or-Treat” (October)

  • Start Collecting basket items for the International Dinner raffle (November)

  • Thanksgiving food drive (November)

  • International Holiday Dinner (December)

  • Upper School Winter Formal (December)

  • Co-Sponsor of the Holiday Breakfast (December)

  • Dress- up Book Fair / Book Drive (January/February)

  • Friendship Breakfast (February)

  • Celebrating, Moms, Dads, Grandparents and Grand-friends Day (April/May)

  • Spring TD Barbecue (May)

  • Breakfast of Champions (June)

RSVP Events Page

Committee Discriptions

  • This year TD plans on showcasing student art with a Spring Art Festival for both parents, students and faculty to enjoy in the halls of T.D. The committee will oversee the theme, the planning and coordinating with school administrator and the art teacher.

  • We plan on teaming with Scholastic to hold a book fair in School. The committee will plan out the logistics and specific dates in January of 2025.

  • Please volunteer to represent your students grade as a representative. You’ll be the main point of contact for the teacher and parents. Thereby ensuring the teacher is able to communicate effectively with the entire class and no events or messages are ever missed.

    • Coordinate holiday classroom shares

    • Mother’s Day and Father’s Day snacks

    • Valentines Day/ Friendship Day

  • In T.D. tradition, parents decorate their car trunks and fill buckets with candy for students to enjoy "Trunk or Treating" in the TD parking lot.

    This event takes place on October 31st after the Halloween Parade, which runs from 2:30 to 3:00 PM. Trunk or Treating starts at 3:00 PM.

  • This yearly TD tradition is held in December and its a community favorite. Families bring ready to share dishes in celebration of the cultural diversity represented at TD.

    A raffle is held during the dinner. Raffle items are collected starting in November, the committee is tasked with putting the baskets together.

  • 2nd Annual barbecue to close out the year. Funds raised at the International Dinner are used to fund this fun event at the T.D. Field. Held in May.