7th Grade
ENGLISH GRAMMAR: Grammar revolves around parts of speech and sentences. Students also learn more about phrases, clauses, and sentences - including compound and complex sentences - punctuations and capitalization.
ENGLISH WRITING: Students are reacquainted with the writing process from brainstorming the first draft to polishing the final draft. To enhance their skills and to discover their own voice and style, they are assigned to write a variety of essays such as: personal narratives, descriptive, expository, and argumentative essays.
ENGLISH LITERATURE: Literature introduces students to more classic and contemporary novels that speak to young readers. Students also read short stories, a selected biography, and selected poems. In addition, they learn more figures of speech, and other literary terms and devices.
MATH- Pre-Algebra 1 or 2: This class is open to 6 through 9 grades depending on their ability. This program is designed to equip students with a strong foundation in algebra by focusing on mathematical understanding, logical thinking and mastering lifelong problem-solving skills. Each lesson has direct instructions and focuses on mathematical thinking with immediate application of new skills to problem solving.
SCIENCE: Students develop a comprehensive understanding of living organisms, how they interact with their environments and the features that influence them. They explore life forms from microscopic to macroscopic organisms.
TECHNOLOGY: Students are taught introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI), and computer hardware & software. This includes the following: Hardware components necessary to understand and build a computer - Major Operating Systems such as Windows, Mac OS and Linux - Google Application Suite such as Docs, Sheets, etc. - Introduction to Cloud Technology - IP addressing, Binary and Hexadecimal numbers - Different type of hackers such as Ethical, Black-Hat and Gray-Hat - Introduction to the World Wide Web.
AMERICAN HISTORY: Using an online curriculum, students travel the History Timeline from the Early Americans (10,000 BCE) to the American Revolution.
FRENCH: In this bi-weekly class students deepen their knowledge of French grammar and conjugation. They study the body parts, the seasons, music and animals. They learn how to use prepositions and adverbs in forming complex sentences.
ITALIAN: Students continue to learn introductory Italian grammar and vocabulary with an emphasis on additional conjugations. Grammar topics may include avere, -ere verbs, possessive adjectives, -ire verbs, -ire con -isc- verbs, dovere, and articulated prepositions. Vocabulary topics may include family, body parts, and expressions with avere, house & home.
SPANISH: (7-8): is the continuation of Spanish A. Students are exposed to more vocabulary. They learn numbers 1-1000, how to talk about the past (preterit tense), and how to use verbs such as tener, hacer, gustar. In addition, they develop more cultural knowledge of Spanish speaking countries.
RUSSIAN: This class is open to 6 through 12 grades depending on their ability. This course, taught by a Russian native speaker, is designed for beginners and for students who have already learned the fundamentals of Russian language.
MUSIC: General studies become more focused as we listen and learn about the history of American Music, including extensive study of Black and Women composers and artists. Students also learn to create music digitally through the use of the program Logic Pro X, and they can post their works to the TD Soundcloud account.
ART: Guided watercolor paintings, crayon/watercolor resist paintings, mixed media watercolor and acrylic, "melted" magic marker painting, simple palette knife technique in acrylic painting, mixed media watercolor and pen work, model magic sculpting, more advanced origami folding techniques.