kevin mccartin TD class of 2010 Alum
The last time I saw him and his family was June 2010, the same month and year that Harry King graduated. Ironically, I had just written my first alumni piece about Harry, which I emailed a short while ago. Harry just became, by the way, the head of T-D’s Dallas alumni chapter ha ha ha!!!
As a T-D graduate, you’ll be receiving lots more about those who have moved on from the Circle and what is being accomplished by everyone in their circle of life. This is my mission now as I am serving as Alumni Relations Director, no longer Headmaster.
I’ve been wondering about Kevin McCartin for close to 15 years. The last I heard, he was entering St. John’s University in Jamaica, New York, on an academic scholarship. His high grades at T-D and 600+ SAT scores were quickly recognized by the University with a healthy academic scholarship. St. John’s, by the way, was where I hung my cap prior to my short 56-year tenure as Headmaster of Thornton-Donavan School.
Little did I know that in the middle of my cheeseburger this past weekend, I’d be greeted by this most handsome lad at Piper’s Kilt in Eastchester. Needless to say, the exuberance that I couldn’t contain was instantly matched by Kevin himself. Frankly speaking, he was the prime mover, and his handshakes and hugs said it all.
So, what’s up with this young man? Well, it’s a story that I’m proud to share, especially since so many alumni have asked about Kevin and his story- one that could never have been imagined and, of course, one that could never be Overlooked.
While at T-D, Kevin loved the martial arts. It was his true passion and fueled by two travel study adventures, both of which Kevin described with an infinite number of superlatives. Both Japan for karate and Brazil for capoeira touched his life in the most profound ways.
Becoming a martial arts instructor was natural for Kevin, and after leaving St. John’s, it provided him with lots of Green. By the way, Green is T-D’s academic theme for the ’24 -‘25 school year. More and more green is continuing to come Kevin’s way as he is one the most sought-after plumbers in the Hamptons on Long Island- perhaps even being the best piper plummer ever there.
Kevin and I spoke for quite a while and went down memory lane together, all while I was enjoying my cheeseburger until it disappeared. Of course, he talked about his dad, Brian, the former Director of the Thomas Paine College in New Rochelle, and his mom, who was not well while Kevin was here and continued to ail. His sister, Kellie’05 - is flourishing at SUNY Stony Brook and, by the way, is now called Dr. Kellie McCartin. Kellie’s interest in hydrology was fostered at Roger Williams University in Bristol, Rhode Island.
Kevin is still doing music and maintains his friendship with Andrew Crawford’06, both pretty darn good guitar players, even to this day. Andrew, by the way, is married to Michael Schwartz’s sister, Jennifer ’05. Michael is also from the 2010 class. I’m really having fun writing this as it seems like 2010 is a class that is well-connected and, of course, a good study in genetics.
Kevin did inquire about Justin Pizzo ’10 and was sure he’d be doing ambassadorial or diplomatic work. I couldn’t wait to tell Kevin that he was right in a way, as Justin is and has been teaching his first love, Japanese, and in doing so, has become a teacher diplomat for T-D and Japan at the same time. This past June, Justin returned from Hiroshima with a handful of T-D students. I guess Kevin was right all along about Justin.
Right before saying sayonara to Kevin, I kept thinking about an alumni arts house gig which could be held in the White House. Guys like Matt Wickline’14, Andrew Crawford’06, and Noah Vincenzo’16 could really dig into it, and I’d be delighted to dig into it to help it all happen. I have the date in mind: Friday, December 20, Alumni Reunion Day.
It was a great kick talking to Kevin McCartin. He microwaved the last 15 years into a half-hour. Hearing what Kevin was all about, what he had been doing, and where he was on his journey convinced me that he was not just another brick on the wall and that my cheeseburger was as good as any in paradise.